Yoga Asana I STUHL I myyogaflows

Chair Pose I Utkatasana


I  Bend your legs from a standing position
I  Hold ankles together, shift the weight on the heels
I  Pelvis slightly backwards (as if sitting on a chair)
I  Lower the tailbone, keep your back straight
I  Press your knees gently together, hold at a hight
I  Activate abdominal and core muscles
I  Raise your arms and chest, open your shoulders
I  Pull shoulder blades back and down
I  Hold this position for 8-10 deep breaths


I  Aligning pelvis and vertebrae
I  Strengthens leg muscles, back and ankles
I  Beneficial for knee and ankle problems
I  Stretch the calves
I  Opens the chest, relaxes the shoulders
I  Gentle lifts the diaphragm, massages the heart
I  Helps with sleeping problems