Release Tension Flow

Poses against stress

Yoga Asana I KATZE I myyogaflows
01 Cat Pose I Majariasana
Yoga Asana I HALBMOND I myyogaflows
02 Half Moon Pose I Ardha Chandrasana
Yoga Asana I KRIEGER III I myyogaflows
03 Warrior III I Virabhadrasana III
Yoga Asana I SCHMETTERLING I myyogaflows
04 Butterfly I Bhadrasana
Yoga Asana I TAUBE I myyogaflows
05 Pigeon Pose I Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Yoga Asana I SCHULTERBRÜCKE I myyogaflows
06 Bridge Pose I Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Yoga Asana I KATZE I myyogaflows

Cat Pose I Majariasana


I  Come to the quadruped stand, on your hands and knees
I  Align hip joints over nee joints, shoulder joints over the wrists
I  Exhale, round the spine
I  Press up from the shoulders, push the tailbone downwards
I  Pull belly button inwards
I  Look down
I  8 deep breaths


I  Mobilizes the spine in its length
I  Stretch for the back, shoulders, neck and cervical vertebrae
I  Strengthens back and abdominal muscles
I  Relieves pain in the upper spine
I  Stimulates digestion and circulation
I  Grounding and relaxing
I  Good against stress
I  Reduces tiredness

Yoga Asana I HALBMOND I myyogaflows

Half Moon Pose I Ardha Chandrasana


I  Find a firm stand in the leg
I  Bring the weight on the front foot
I  Front foot pointing straight forward
I  Bring one hand on the floor/block in front your foot, other hand in your hip
I  Raise the back leg with flexed foot and stretch straight back
I  Open the hips wide and turn thigh outwards
I  Turn the upper body sideways
I  Relax and open shoulders
I  Bring the the upper arm vertically up, look up
I  Take 10 deep breaths in this position


I  Strengthens abdomen, back, thighs and ankles
I  Strengthens the lumbar vertebra, hip and sacrum
I  Opens shoulders and chest
I  Relieves sciatica
I  Increases balance and coordination
I  Gives a feeling of stability and stability
I  Good against stress and anxiety
I  Stimulates digestion

Yoga Asana I KRIEGER III I myyogaflows

Warrior III I Virabhadrasana III


I  Ground one leg and keep the leg muscles active
I  Lift the other leg straight up and bend the upper body forwards
I  Align body horizontally to the ground
I  Activate the muscles of the upper leg
I  Hold the arms next to your body, push the shoulders and tailbone backwards
I  Look down, neck long, lengthen your spine
I  Hold this for 10 breaths


I  Strengthens the leg muscles
I  Strengthens the core muscles
I  Stretches the chest and shoulder muscles
I  Focus on your balance
I  Sense of balance

Yoga Asana I SCHMETTERLING I myyogaflows

Butterfly I Bhadrasana


I  Bring feet soles together with bent knees towards the pelvis
I  Knees point outward and sink towards the ground
I  Knees, thighs and groins stay relaxed
I  Keep the back and the pelvis straight
I  Breathe calmly, evenly and deeply in and out
I  Hold it for 1-2min


I  Opens the hips, relaxes the abdomen
I  Stretches inner thighs
I  Helps women with menstrual problems
I  Stimulates all organs in the abdominal area
I  Stimulates blood circulation
I  Helps against fatigue, high blood pressure, stress and bad mood

Yoga Asana I TAUBE I myyogaflows

Pigeon Pose I Eka Pada Rajakapotasana


I  Bend the front leg and drop it at an angle
I  Bring the other leg stretched to the back
I  Turn your foot clamp to the ground
I  Both hips sink to the floor
I  Put your hands next to your hips
I  Raise the spine high
I  Bend forward with straight back
I  arms and forehead relaxed forward on the floor
I  Hold this posture for 1-2min


I  Very intense hip opening, releases blockages
I  Stretches thigh muscle as well as hip flexors
I  Great massages for all the abdominal organs
I  Calming and devotional effect a
I  Helps to reduce stress and tension

Yoga Asana I SCHULTERBRÜCKE I myyogaflows

Bridge Pose I Setu Bandha Sarvangasana


I Supine position, place feet behind the buttocks
I Open the knee maximally hip-wide
I Lift the pelvis and push upwards
I Bring the shoulder blades together
I Press your arms and feet firmly to the ground
I  Hold this position for 20-30sec


I Intensively stretches the entire body front
I Strengthens the spine, buttocks and thighs
I Opens the lungs and heart
I stimulates the heart muscles
I Improves blood circulation
I Supports digestion
I Soothes the mind and nerves
I Gives refreshing energy
I Good against stress and sadness