Strong Back Flow

Poses against back pain

Yoga Asana I SCHULTERBRÜCKE I myyogaflows
01 Bridge Pose I Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Yoga Asana I KROKODIL I myyogaflows
02 Crocodile Pose I Jathara Parivartanasana
Yoga Asana I SCHULTERBRÜCKE I myyogaflows

Bridge Pose I Setu Bandha Sarvangasana


I Supine position, place feet behind the buttocks
I Open the knee maximally hip-wide
I Lift the pelvis and push upwards
I Bring the shoulder blades together
I Press your arms and feet firmly to the ground
I  Hold this position for 20-30sec


I Intensively stretches the entire body front
I Strengthens the spine, buttocks and thighs
I Opens the lungs and heart
I stimulates the heart muscles
I Improves blood circulation
I Supports digestion
I Soothes the mind and nerves
I Gives refreshing energy
I Good against stress and sadness

Yoga Asana I KROKODIL I myyogaflows

Crocodile Pose I Jathara Parivartanasana


I  Supine, knees bent, feet set up
I  Angled legs sink laterally towards the floor
I  Extend both arms to the side
I  Look in the opposite direction
I  Both shoulders stay on the ground
I  Hold this relaxing position for 1 min


I  Despite the rotated spine a relaxation positions
I  Very enjoyable after an intensive practice
I  Good balance after back and forward bending
I  Neutralizes the spine