Sleep Well Flow

Poses against sleep disorders

Yoga Asana I STUHL I myyogaflows
01 Chair Pose I Utkatasana
Yoga Asana I DREIECK I myyogaflows
02 Triangle Pose I Trikonasana
Yoga Asana I SCHMETTERLING I myyogaflows
03 Butterfly I Bhadrasana
Yoga Asana I KROKODIL I myyogaflows
04 Crocodile Pose I Jathara Parivartanasana
Yoga Asana I KIND I myyogaflows
05 Child Pose | Balasana
Yoga Asana I STUHL I myyogaflows

Chair Pose I Utkatasana


I  Bend your legs from a standing position
I  Hold ankles together, shift the weight on the heels
I  Pelvis slightly backwards (as if sitting on a chair)
I  Lower the tailbone, keep your back straight
I  Press your knees gently together, hold at a hight
I  Activate abdominal and core muscles
I  Raise your arms and chest, open your shoulders
I  Pull shoulder blades back and down
I  Hold this position for 8-10 deep breaths


I  Aligning pelvis and vertebrae
I  Strengthens leg muscles, back and ankles
I  Beneficial for knee and ankle problems
I  Stretch the calves
I  Opens the chest, relaxes the shoulders
I  Gentle lifts the diaphragm, massages the heart
I  Helps with sleeping problems

Yoga Asana I DREIECK I myyogaflows

Triangle Pose I Trikonasana


I  Align heels of both feet in a single step in one line
I  Front foot points straight forward, back foot is screwed in 45°
I  Stretch both legs
I  Spread weight on both legs
I  Press the outer edge of the back foot into the ground
I  Bring the upper body forward over the front leg
I  Lower the front arm, place the hand in front of shinbone
I  Straighten upper arm straight up
I  Shoulders stay relaxed
I  Both arms form a vertical line
I  Look up (if it is fine for your neck)
I  Hold for 8-10 deep breaths


I  Strengthens the leg muscles and ankles
I  Strengthens the back
I  Relieves tension in chest, shoulders, pelvis
I  Increases the volume of breathing
I  Increases flexibility of the hip joints
I  Stretches hip muscles, thighs and calves
I  Tightens the thigh muscles
I  Earthed feeling, thus mental relaxation

Yoga Asana I SCHMETTERLING I myyogaflows

Butterfly I Bhadrasana


I  Bring feet soles together with bent knees towards the pelvis
I  Knees point outward and sink towards the ground
I  Knees, thighs and groins stay relaxed
I  Keep the back and the pelvis straight
I  Breathe calmly, evenly and deeply in and out
I  Hold it for 1-2min


I  Opens the hips, relaxes the abdomen
I  Stretches inner thighs
I  Helps women with menstrual problems
I  Stimulates all organs in the abdominal area
I  Stimulates blood circulation
I  Helps against fatigue, high blood pressure, stress and bad mood

Yoga Asana I KROKODIL I myyogaflows

Crocodile Pose I Jathara Parivartanasana


I  Supine, knees bent, feet set up
I  Angled legs sink laterally towards the floor
I  Extend both arms to the side
I  Look in the opposite direction
I  Both shoulders stay on the ground
I  Hold this relaxing position for 1 min


I  Despite the rotated spine a relaxation positions
I  Very enjoyable after an intensive practice
I  Good balance after back and forward bending
I  Neutralizes the spine

Yoga Asana I KIND I myyogaflows

Child Pose | Balasana


I  Come in the heel seat
I  Big toes are touching
I  Knees apart in hip width
I  Bend upper body forward, belly on the thighs
I  Bring down your forehead on the floor
I  Arms at the sides of the body on the floor
I  Shoulder sink down, shoulder blades relax
I  Bring tailbone down towards heels
I  Breathe here deeply for 30 sec – 1 min


I  Stretches & relaxes the spine including the neck
I  Relaxes shoulders, shoulder blades and chest area
I  Gently stretches the spine, thighs and ankles
I  Loosens the lower abdomen during menstrual cramps
I  Soothes the stomach and digestive organs
I  Lowers the blood pressure
I  Good calming position
I Reduces tiredness, dizziness and headaches