Slow Down Flow

Poses against inner restlessness

Yoga Asana I SCHMETTERLING I myyogaflows
01 Butterfly I Bhadrasana
Yoga Asana I TAUBE I myyogaflows
02 Pigeon Pose I Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Yoga Asana I BOGEN I myyogaflows
03 Bow Pose I Dhanurasana
Yoga Asana I PFLUG I myyogaflows
04 Plow Pose I Halasana
Yoga Asana I KIND I myyogaflows
05 Child Pose | Balasana
Yoga Asana I SCHMETTERLING I myyogaflows

Butterfly I Bhadrasana


I  Bring feet soles together with bent knees towards the pelvis
I  Knees point outward and sink towards the ground
I  Knees, thighs and groins stay relaxed
I  Keep the back and the pelvis straight
I  Breathe calmly, evenly and deeply in and out
I  Hold it for 1-2min


I  Opens the hips, relaxes the abdomen
I  Stretches inner thighs
I  Helps women with menstrual problems
I  Stimulates all organs in the abdominal area
I  Stimulates blood circulation
I  Helps against fatigue, high blood pressure, stress and bad mood

Yoga Asana I TAUBE I myyogaflows

Pigeon Pose I Eka Pada Rajakapotasana


I  Bend the front leg and drop it at an angle
I  Bring the other leg stretched to the back
I  Turn your foot clamp to the ground
I  Both hips sink to the floor
I  Put your hands next to your hips
I  Raise the spine high
I  Bend forward with straight back
I  arms and forehead relaxed forward on the floor
I  Hold this posture for 1-2min


I  Very intense hip opening, releases blockages
I  Stretches thigh muscle as well as hip flexors
I  Great massages for all the abdominal organs
I  Calming and devotional effect a
I  Helps to reduce stress and tension

Yoga Asana I BOGEN I myyogaflows

Bow Pose I Dhanurasana


I  Prone pose, arms next to the body
I  Bend knees, bring heels towards the buttocks
I  Hands grab the ankles
I  Important: feet and legs remain at hip width
I  Push the heels in your hands, lift thighs
I  Raise chest, shoulder blades together
I  Shoulders and back muscles remain relaxed
I  Belly is tense and pressed to the floor
I  Look forward, long neck
I  Hold this position for 20-30sec


I Opens the front of the body and the rib cage
I Improves free breathing
I Stretches front thighs and arms
I Strengthens abdominal muscles
I Stretches the back, shoulders and spine
I Stimulates digestion
I Increses body tension
I Calms the mind

Yoga Asana I PFLUG I myyogaflows

Plow Pose I Halasana


I Lay flat on my back
I Carefully bring both legs behind your head
I Stretch out your legs, bring toes on the floor
I Raise your back as straight as possible
I Stretch out arms on the mat and fold hands
I Give pressure to the arms, shoulder blades together
I Weight is carried by shoulders, neck remains free
I Important: Do not move your head in this position
I Hold this for 30sec – 1min


I Strengthens the back of the body esp. shoulders
I Activates the blood circulation
I Stimulates abdominal organs
I Relieves and relaxes the legs and organs
I Frees the respiratory tract
I Stimulates the hormone balance
I Gives new confidence and strength

Yoga Asana I KIND I myyogaflows

Child Pose | Balasana


I  Come in the heel seat
I  Big toes are touching
I  Knees apart in hip width
I  Bend upper body forward, belly on the thighs
I  Bring down your forehead on the floor
I  Arms at the sides of the body on the floor
I  Shoulder sink down, shoulder blades relax
I  Bring tailbone down towards heels
I  Breathe here deeply for 30 sec – 1 min


I  Stretches & relaxes the spine including the neck
I  Relaxes shoulders, shoulder blades and chest area
I  Gently stretches the spine, thighs and ankles
I  Loosens the lower abdomen during menstrual cramps
I  Soothes the stomach and digestive organs
I  Lowers the blood pressure
I  Good calming position
I Reduces tiredness, dizziness and headaches