Soft Shoulder Flow

Poses releases shoulder tension

Yoga Asana I STEHENDE VORBEUGE I myyogaflows
01 Standing Forward Bend I Uttanasana
Yoga Asana I HERABSCHAUENDER HUND I myyogaflows
02 Downward-Facing Dog I Adho Mukha Svanasana
Yoga Asana I ADLER I myyogaflows
03 Eagle I Garudasana
Yoga Asana I KUHGESICHT I myyogaflows
04 Cow Face I Gomukhasana
Yoga Asana I SCHULTERBRÜCKE I myyogaflows
05 Bridge Pose I Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Yoga Asana I PFLUG I myyogaflows
06 Plow Pose I Halasana
Yoga Asana I STEHENDE VORBEUGE I myyogaflows

Standing Forward Bend I Uttanasana


I  Bend the upper body out of the hips forward
I  Bring your arms down towards the floor
I  Relax neck & shoulders, hold lower back straight
I  Lower the upper body towards the legs
I  Hold this forward bend for 10 deep breaths


I  Relieves spine & neck
I  Stretches calves, thighs and hips
I  Regulates blood pressure
I  Stimulates the brain blood circulation
I  Relieves abdominal and back pain
I  Helps with negative moods
I  Calms the mind

Yoga Asana I HERABSCHAUENDER HUND I myyogaflows

Downward-Facing Dog I Adho Mukha Svanasana


I  Feed hip-width & hands shoulder-width set up
I  Spread your hands, press your fingers into the ground
I  Activate your arms, straighten your back
I  Push your bottom upwards, tailbone highest point
I  Heels sink towards the ground
I  Slowly straighten your legs
I  Ears between upper arms on one level
I  Relax your neck, shoulders away from the ears
I  Weight evenly on hands and feet
I  Hold this position for 5-8 breaths


I  Strengthens legs, arms, wrists and ankles
I  Stretches your back, opens the shoulder blades
I  Helps a lot with back pain
I  Relieves tensions and headaches
I  Stimulates the nervous system
I  Improves blood circulation
I  Provides the body with fresh energy

Yoga Asana I ADLER I myyogaflows

Eagle I Garudasana


I  Find a stable stand in the leg and load the whole foot
I  Slightly bend the leg and “wrap” the other leg
I  Lay thighs on the support leg, bring knee to a height
I  bring shin behind the calf of the supporting leg
I  Place one arm in the elbow bend of the other
I  Wrap your arms around each other with palms together
I  hands slide away from the face, elbows lift
I  Lower the tailbone, keep length in the spine
I  8-10 deep breaths


I  Strengthens and stretches the muscles of the feet, legs
I  Shoulder stretch, open the shoulder girdle
I  Increases flexibility in the arms and legs
I  Supports balance
I  Great againt cellulite

Yoga Asana I KUHGESICHT I myyogaflows

Cow Face I Gomukhasana


I  Cross legs, one knee right on top of the other
I  Lower the buttocks between your legs
I  Tailbone sinks down
I  One arm angled from above behind he body
I  Other arm behind the body from below
I  Fingers or hands interlock
I  Keep back straight, shoulders open
I  Head gently press against the arm
I  Hold this position with deep breathing for 1min
I  Sit on an block
I  Use a strap to hold the hands behind your back


I  Hips, legs and knees become flexible
I  Stretches and opens your shoulders
I  Opens your chest
I  Stretches the entire Spine

Yoga Asana I SCHULTERBRÜCKE I myyogaflows

Bridge Pose I Setu Bandha Sarvangasana


I Supine position, place feet behind the buttocks
I Open the knee maximally hip-wide
I Lift the pelvis and push upwards
I Bring the shoulder blades together
I Press your arms and feet firmly to the ground
I  Hold this position for 20-30sec


I Intensively stretches the entire body front
I Strengthens the spine, buttocks and thighs
I Opens the lungs and heart
I stimulates the heart muscles
I Improves blood circulation
I Supports digestion
I Soothes the mind and nerves
I Gives refreshing energy
I Good against stress and sadness

Yoga Asana I PFLUG I myyogaflows

Plow Pose I Halasana


I Lay flat on my back
I Carefully bring both legs behind your head
I Stretch out your legs, bring toes on the floor
I Raise your back as straight as possible
I Stretch out arms on the mat and fold hands
I Give pressure to the arms, shoulder blades together
I Weight is carried by shoulders, neck remains free
I Important: Do not move your head in this position
I Hold this for 30sec – 1min


I Strengthens the back of the body esp. shoulders
I Activates the blood circulation
I Stimulates abdominal organs
I Relieves and relaxes the legs and organs
I Frees the respiratory tract
I Stimulates the hormone balance
I Gives new confidence and strength