
Yoga Asana I KAMEL I myyogaflows
01 Camel Pose I Ustrasana
Yoga Asana I SITZENDE VORBEUGE I myyogaflows
02 Seated Forward Bend I Pashchimottanasana
Yoga Asana I KUHGESICHT I myyogaflows
03 Cow Face I Gomukhasana
Yoga Asana I SCHMETTERLING I myyogaflows
04 Butterfly I Bhadrasana
Yoga Asana I TAUBE I myyogaflows
05 Pigeon Pose I Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Yoga Asana I KOBRA I myyogaflows
06 Cobra Pose I Bhujangasana
Yoga Asana I KAMEL I myyogaflows

Camel Pose I Ustrasana


I  Knee position, lower leg on the floor, tiptoes stretched
I  Legs apart in hip width
I  Pelvis is straight, upper body stretched
I  Shoulders back, deep and relaxed
I  Activate thigh and buttock muscles
I  Hands on the back of the hips (pointing the fingertips downwards, elbows behind)
I  Slowly bring the hands on the heels
I  Pelvis remains in line with the knees
I  5-8 deep and even breaths in the lower back


I  Strengthens the back, spine, hips and thighs
I  Trains the deep, concentrated breath
I  Widens thorax, shoulders, heart and lungs
I  Supports your circulation
I  Good pelvic floor exercise

Yoga Asana I SITZENDE VORBEUGE I myyogaflows

Seated Forward Bend I Pashchimottanasana


I  Sit downright with straight legs, tense legs with heels on
I  Stretch the arms up, pull the spine long
I  Bend the hip forward
I  Raise the pelvis and keep the back straight
I  Hands grab calves or foot outer edges
I  Lay down the upper body on the thighs and relax the neck
I  Sink deeper into this position by breathing deeply for 1-2min


I  stretch the entire body back
I  Strengthens the abdominal organs
I  Very good for the immune system
I  Activates the metabolism
I  Regulates digestion
I  Massage for the heart
I  Calming and revitalizing effect

Yoga Asana I KUHGESICHT I myyogaflows

Cow Face I Gomukhasana


I  Cross legs, one knee right on top of the other
I  Lower the buttocks between your legs
I  Tailbone sinks down
I  One arm angled from above behind he body
I  Other arm behind the body from below
I  Fingers or hands interlock
I  Keep back straight, shoulders open
I  Head gently press against the arm
I  Hold this position with deep breathing for 1min
I  Sit on an block
I  Use a strap to hold the hands behind your back


I  Hips, legs and knees become flexible
I  Stretches and opens your shoulders
I  Opens your chest
I  Stretches the entire Spine

Yoga Asana I SCHMETTERLING I myyogaflows

Butterfly I Bhadrasana


I  Bring feet soles together with bent knees towards the pelvis
I  Knees point outward and sink towards the ground
I  Knees, thighs and groins stay relaxed
I  Keep the back and the pelvis straight
I  Breathe calmly, evenly and deeply in and out
I  Hold it for 1-2min


I  Opens the hips, relaxes the abdomen
I  Stretches inner thighs
I  Helps women with menstrual problems
I  Stimulates all organs in the abdominal area
I  Stimulates blood circulation
I  Helps against fatigue, high blood pressure, stress and bad mood

Yoga Asana I TAUBE I myyogaflows

Pigeon Pose I Eka Pada Rajakapotasana


I  Bend the front leg and drop it at an angle
I  Bring the other leg stretched to the back
I  Turn your foot clamp to the ground
I  Both hips sink to the floor
I  Put your hands next to your hips
I  Raise the spine high
I  Bend forward with straight back
I  arms and forehead relaxed forward on the floor
I  Hold this posture for 1-2min


I  Very intense hip opening, releases blockages
I  Stretches thigh muscle as well as hip flexors
I  Great massages for all the abdominal organs
I  Calming and devotional effect a
I  Helps to reduce stress and tension

Yoga Asana I KOBRA I myyogaflows

Cobra Pose I Bhujangasana


I  Come into prone position and place your hands below shoulders
I  Press the instep of your feet into the ground
I  Stretched legs, hips and pubic bone in the ground
I  Pull the spine long and lift the sternum
I  Keep elbows close to body, look straight ahead, long neck
I  Hold it for 20-30sec


I  Widens rib cage and stretches the shoulder
I  Strengthens the back muscles and legs
I  Strengthens the spine, especially the thoracic vertebrae
I  Relieves tension in the upper back
I  Revitalizing for body and mind