Refresh Energy Flow

Poses against tiredness

Yoga Asana I KATZE I myyogaflows
01 Cat Pose I Majariasana
Yoga Asana I HERABSCHAUENDER HUND I myyogaflows
02 Downward-Facing Dog I Adho Mukha Svanasana
Yoga Asana I KRIEGER I I myyogaflows
03 Warrior I I Virabhadrasana I
Yoga Asana I KRIEGER II I myyogaflows
04 Warrior II I Virabhadrasana II
Yoga Asana I SITZENDE VORBEUGE I myyogaflows
05 Seated Forward Bend I Pashchimottanasana
Yoga Asana I KOBRA I myyogaflows
06 Cobra Pose I Bhujangasana
Yoga Asana I KATZE I myyogaflows

Cat Pose I Majariasana


I  Come to the quadruped stand, on your hands and knees
I  Align hip joints over nee joints, shoulder joints over the wrists
I  Exhale, round the spine
I  Press up from the shoulders, push the tailbone downwards
I  Pull belly button inwards
I  Look down
I  8 deep breaths


I  Mobilizes the spine in its length
I  Stretch for the back, shoulders, neck and cervical vertebrae
I  Strengthens back and abdominal muscles
I  Relieves pain in the upper spine
I  Stimulates digestion and circulation
I  Grounding and relaxing
I  Good against stress
I  Reduces tiredness

Yoga Asana I HERABSCHAUENDER HUND I myyogaflows

Downward-Facing Dog I Adho Mukha Svanasana


I  Feed hip-width & hands shoulder-width set up
I  Spread your hands, press your fingers into the ground
I  Activate your arms, straighten your back
I  Push your bottom upwards, tailbone highest point
I  Heels sink towards the ground
I  Slowly straighten your legs
I  Ears between upper arms on one level
I  Relax your neck, shoulders away from the ears
I  Weight evenly on hands and feet
I  Hold this position for 5-8 breaths


I  Strengthens legs, arms, wrists and ankles
I  Stretches your back, opens the shoulder blades
I  Helps a lot with back pain
I  Relieves tensions and headaches
I  Stimulates the nervous system
I  Improves blood circulation
I  Provides the body with fresh energy

Yoga Asana I KRIEGER I I myyogaflows

Warrior I I Virabhadrasana I


I  Lunge, one foot forward, the other foot 45° backwards
I  Both heels on a line, activated legs
I  Bend the front knee 90°, align knee over heel
I  Align hips and shoulders forward
I  Arms straight, palms inwards, shoulders wide & relaxed
I  Hold this posture for 8-10 deeps breaths


I  Stretch for shoulders, abdomen, groin, back muscles
I  Strengthens the lungs, arms, shoulders, legs
I  Makes the hips flexible
I  Increases patience and strength
I  Stimulation of the digestive organs
I  Improve of attention and balance

Yoga Asana I KRIEGER II I myyogaflows

Warrior II I Virabhadrasana II


I  Lunge, front foot straight and back foot rotated 45°
I  Both heels on a line
I  Bend the front knee 90°, position over the heel
I  Hips, upper body, shoulders aligned laterally
I  Open shoulder blades and chest
I  Arms straight/parallel the ground, look over the front arm
I  Hold this posture for 8-10 deep breaths


I  Strengthens shoulders, arms, legs, ankles
I  Opens the shoulders, chest, lungs
I  Stretches groins and thighs
I  Strengthens core muscles
I  Stimulates digestion
I  Increases body strength and physical condition
I  Good for balance and concentration
I  Positive effect on self-esteem

Yoga Asana I SITZENDE VORBEUGE I myyogaflows

Seated Forward Bend I Pashchimottanasana


I  Sit downright with straight legs, tense legs with heels on
I  Stretch the arms up, pull the spine long
I  Bend the hip forward
I  Raise the pelvis and keep the back straight
I  Hands grab calves or foot outer edges
I  Lay down the upper body on the thighs and relax the neck
I  Sink deeper into this position by breathing deeply for 1-2min


I  stretch the entire body back
I  Strengthens the abdominal organs
I  Very good for the immune system
I  Activates the metabolism
I  Regulates digestion
I  Massage for the heart
I  Calming and revitalizing effect

Yoga Asana I KOBRA I myyogaflows

Cobra Pose I Bhujangasana


I  Come into prone position and place your hands below shoulders
I  Press the instep of your feet into the ground
I  Stretched legs, hips and pubic bone in the ground
I  Pull the spine long and lift the sternum
I  Keep elbows close to body, look straight ahead, long neck
I  Hold it for 20-30sec


I  Widens rib cage and stretches the shoulder
I  Strengthens the back muscles and legs
I  Strengthens the spine, especially the thoracic vertebrae
I  Relieves tension in the upper back
I  Revitalizing for body and mind